
Smerigliatura Diletta: "New carousel machinery for precise and fast work."




Having a high-performing production cycle is one of the strategies for staying aligned with customer demands. The "time to market" has stringent rules and being able to count on streamlined steps in some cases can make all the difference, especially in a rapidly changing world like the fashion industry. Companies in the fashion supply chain know this well, which is why they also combine their know-how with a strategy that allows them to improve logistically and technologically, as well as qualitatively, to increase their responsiveness.


With this in mind, Smerigliatura Pelli Diletta, a Tuscan company specializing in the processing of both all types of reptiles and suede splits for the leather goods and footwear sectors, has equipped itself with two new machines capable of simplifying and speeding up its work. Totally different technology in the area of processing at the ovens. These are carousel machines that improve the production cycle: the presence of many looms where the hides are laid out in such a way that they can work on both sides, offers the possibility of processing more hides at the same time and with a different method that is less tiring for the workers because it improves their posture while working.


An innovation that therefore, in addition to simplifying work and speeding it up, also affects the improvement of the working environment, a pivotal element of social sustainability: an aspect that will therefore also influence the update of the Lwg certification already obtained by the company in July last year. From this innovation, Smerigliatura Pelli Diletta expects an increase in production because processing more hides and different species at the same time equates to being able to handle more work in less time. In fact, the company has two areas of specialization: that relating to sheep and cow split and the exotic part, a real trend in recent seasons.

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