
IDENTITY: standing out so as not to be confused




What differentiates one individual from another?
What does personality consist of?
What moves our preferences?
How is an idea ignited? Where does the need to create something unique come from?


These are all questions that at least once have made our synapses dance, populating the intriguing lands of the human intellect. Since time immemorial, man has reached out to the farthest reaches of inspiration, barely touching the dream world, using its robes to quench that relentless need to bring his thoughts to life.


A primitive and authentic need, our companion for countless springs. Creating, diversifying, shaping, destroying, making and remaking, forging; The world of creativity is not only an involuntary need , but it is also a refuge where one can guard one's cravings and chimeras.


This is why Tannery Volpiana, has placed in its core, the hunger for inventiveness of its customers.
All our work, revolves around the customization and realization of Ideas and archetypes.


A rich, fresh recipe, made of color choice, leather hand, grain and thickness; Then ending with the adaptation of the artistic requirement to the actual end use. This process, briefly described, is actually very complex; Consisting of listening to and assimilating precise needs, understanding the goal, and working closely with the client.


We like to indulge the ingenuity of our buyers, and we believe that perseverance of identity is of paramount importance, because you see, in an increasingly hectic and competitive world, we are forgetting the importance of diversity.


Art is an end in itself, Oscar Wilde used to say, but it is good for the soul, and as artisans, we have decided to cater to that part of individuals, who still today, dare to dream big, giving oxygen and shape to their imagination.

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