Nexus Automation

Advanced automation systems for industries

Excellence in automation


The Nexus Automation company located in the province of Vicenza, Italy is a leader in advanced automation systems for the tanning industry and more.


Founded in 1998 by partners Mirco Roncolato and Luca Fracasso, with a share held by Rino Mastrotto, the Nexus Automation company is organised to have total control over every design aspect of its systems: «Thanks to our staff of twenty-five specialists - explains Mirco Roncolato - we take care of the electronic, mechanical, and software design of the automation in-house». The tanning industry’s core business is the dyeing of hides in barrels: «After years of experience and continuous innovation of the product and software developed for the automotive sector, we have developed an innovative system, which is very advanced for the tanning industry - continues Roncolato - Our product already has all the requirements for LWG certification and meets 4.0 Industry standards».  


In addition to the automation of the barrel departments, the latest innovation at the Nexus Automation company is “Big Brother”: «It is a leather stacker technology with out-of-the-box thinking - the owner concludes - and it is ready to be a revolutionary new tool at the service of tanneries». 

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